What is the Grucox bicycle?

The Grucox Eccentric Trainer is an interactive leg training machine, which allows the user to combine eccentric and concentric exercises, while monitoring their performance data. This optimizes training and provides maximum strength gains in the shortest period of time.

“The Grucox enables me to train each leg individually with live feedback. I can improve my muscle strength and power while performing rehab. It also allows me to identify exactly up to which point I’m able to absorb a load.” ~ Wayde van Niekerk

What is eccentric training:

During an eccentric contraction, the muscle elongates while under tension due to an opposing force. This muscle action occurs during everyday activities such as lowering a weight, walking down a hill or performing a squat. Rather than working to pull a joint in the direction of the muscle contraction, the muscle acts to decelerate the joint at the end of a movement or otherwise control there positioning of a load.

Studies have shown that Strength training involving both eccentric and concentric contractions increase muscular strength more than training with concentric contractions alone.

Orthopaedic Conditions:

General fitness & muscle toning:

Price list:


  • This service is partially claimable from most medical aids
  • Wear appropriate gear – cycling attire or gym kit.


Improves strength

Protects cardiac

Burns more fat

Enables passive motion

Live data feedback

Improves proprioception